Mundane Faithfulness


Kara’s Collection: Smooching Pastor’s Kid

Kara’s Collection: Smooching Pastor’s Kid

from an article originally posted August 22, 2014…  

Oh, my soul, this place, this place has been so heavy, so hard, so riddled with bad news. I NEED to tell you something funny. Please humor me. As you can surmise, my kids are pastor’s kids. Let the stereotypes begin. I once lived in the rigid pew lifestyle where my kids were made to perform great acts of silence for the duration of the service. I felt it was a reflection on me, my parenting, my togetherness. Yuck. There were good moments, love moments, but I lived in the stereotype of my idea of how one should “behave” in church. Especially a pastor’s kid. Yuck.

Kara’s Collection: Me

Kara’s Collection: Me

From an article originally posted October 17, 2013…

Simple title. I’m awake late at night with a desire to tell my new readers about me. I want to tell about the me that has nothing to do with cancer. Dear reader, I want to tell you a few snippets of me apart from the battle I’m facing.

Kara's Collection: What about Bob?

Kara's Collection: What about Bob?

From an article originally posted December 11, 2012…

Who remembers the Bill Murray movie, What About Bob? Remember the scene where Bob is tied to the mast of the sailboat and he keeps screaming, I’M SAILING! I felt like that yesterday. All day I kept thinking, I’M CLEANING! I’M DRIVING! I’M IN TARGET! I know it sounds ridiculous, and I certainly had opportunity to do some of these things along this journey, but with each new day I feel such gratitude for the ability to do more, and a greater gratitude that I don’t have to go back into the chemo room again.

Kara’s Collection: Much needed laugh

Kara’s Collection: Much needed laugh

From an article originally posted October 24, 2012…

For a few days, I have attempted to sneak away to find something new to wear to Jason’s ordination Sunday evening. Each day I putter about and realize I don’t have the strength. Yesterday, my dear Tuesday friend (my grace-dress friend that comes to love on Story and me) came just as I was all weak and noodley from my bath. As a side bit of information you will never need to know, when one suddenly finds oneself bald after a shower, your head is very sensitive and cold. For a brief moment after a bath, I look absolutely normal with my head wrapped in a towel like it has been my entire adult life.

Kara’s Collection: Radioactive Injectables

Kara’s Collection: Radioactive Injectables

This is from a blog post originally posted August 10, 2012.

It is almost comical to hear someone tell you they are going to inject you with radioactive material, and then try and be reassuring that it’s not that unhealthy. Here she comes with the injection, and guess what it is required to be carried in? Lead. Hmm, not how I prefer my injectables, but that’s just me.