Mundane Faithfulness


Kara’s Collection: Today, few words are necessary

Kara’s Collection: Today, few words are necessary

from an article originally posted December 2, 2014…

I am a rock star at packing the basket. I fill my basket with comforts: blanket, magazine, essential oil to help avoid the awful of my port being flushed, music, lotions. My nurse and I know this dance, we have danced this dance for a long time. She and I banter, we do what we have to do, and I’m callous about it all. Then as I turn to put my head down I see Jen is crying. She hates to see this dance. She hates to see me suffer. It’s good to be reminded of heart in the midst of doing the next thing. It’s good to see tenderness, brokenness when my own heart is callused to these ugly dance moves that I’m dancing to live. I simply do them. I have forgotten how sad they are. It was good to be reminded by the cherished and kept tears of my friend Jen.

Kara’s Collection: The Bishop’s Respect Life Dinner

Kara’s Collection: The Bishop’s Respect Life Dinner

from an article originally posted October 30, 2014…

Last night I had the honor of being recognized at the Bishop’s Respect Life Dinner. My dear friend Caia Hoskins has been my champion in life, in my writing, in my sharing of the story that suffering is not a mistake. She loves the unborn babies in our community and is a passionate advocate for life. I have the great privilege of doing life with this passionate woman.

Kara’s Collection: Brain Radiation Playlist

Kara’s Collection: Brain Radiation Playlist

from an article originally posted October 11, 2014…

I spent a lot of last week dreading Friday. When someone would ask me about radiation, I would get a hard knot in my stomach. The previous week as I was speaking, I broke down asking for prayer for the time I would be pinned down in a mask as the stink eye attempted to rid my brain of cancer.

Kara’s Collection: Life Unmasked

Kara’s Collection: Life Unmasked

from an article originally posted October 3, 2014…

Yesterday was hard. Harder than I remember. But I made it through. I had remembered the man that made the mask was kind. Brent helped me stay calm, and spoke of Jesus and kindness to get me through. The mask is tough, tight, and it’s clipped onto the table. The second time around felt harder. I was talking myself off a steep cliff yesterday. But I just whispered quiet prayers and prayed the time would quickly pass. Oh time, I want it so much to slow, but it’s screaming by me. Then I get in a mask, pinned down, and time moves like molasses.

Kara’s Collection: What a Night

Kara’s Collection: What a Night

from an article originally posted September 29, 2014…

Friday was a night I will carry with me forever. Forever. I entered a room full of so much love I could not take it in. I struggled to look into the audience, because I could not understand this room filled with people coming to hear my feeble words trying to express love unending. Honestly, it is not mine to take in—the words are not mine. I’m simply the one that has the pleasure of sharing them. I entered, I tried to look up, but I could not. So I let my gaze fall on the front row. The row I know well. My loves. My family, and dear friends to my family. I could look there. But the room, oh my soul, there was so much love in the room Friday night. It was unbelievably humbling.