Mundane Faithfulness


Kara’s Collection: Love Intentional, Love Maturing, Love Exceptional

Kara’s Collection: Love Intentional, Love Maturing, Love Exceptional

from an article originally posted December 22, 2014…

Forgive me for being so absent recently. I have been in the hospital longer than I can remember. So many have given so much to protect, enjoy, and embrace my family. I have this one story about Eleanor, full of Grace, I want to share before I let myself sleep again and the story fades with all the medications I’m taking to get through each painful moment well. It is a story I will never forget, but I want it to be documented here to let her know how stunning the love in her life is to so many—especially this mama of hers.

Kara’s Collection: Jealousy—the longing for normal

Kara’s Collection: Jealousy—the longing for normal

from an article originally posted December 3, 2014…

Oh, my heart. Oh, my sad and covetous and jealous heart. I have recently been in so many interviews, and I am often asked if I struggle feeling angry over the path we find ourselves walking. My answer is typically the same: I have fought to be broken instead of bitter and angry. It’s not a simple journey.

Kara’s Collection: Today, few words are necessary

Kara’s Collection: Today, few words are necessary

from an article originally posted December 2, 2014…

I am a rock star at packing the basket. I fill my basket with comforts: blanket, magazine, essential oil to help avoid the awful of my port being flushed, music, lotions. My nurse and I know this dance, we have danced this dance for a long time. She and I banter, we do what we have to do, and I’m callous about it all. Then as I turn to put my head down I see Jen is crying. She hates to see this dance. She hates to see me suffer. It’s good to be reminded of heart in the midst of doing the next thing. It’s good to see tenderness, brokenness when my own heart is callused to these ugly dance moves that I’m dancing to live. I simply do them. I have forgotten how sad they are. It was good to be reminded by the cherished and kept tears of my friend Jen.

Kara’s Collection: Peaceful Presence—The Battle for Holiday Joy

Kara’s Collection: Peaceful Presence—The Battle for Holiday Joy

from an article originally posted November 30, 2014…

Presence over presents. I heard a beautiful mama speaking about the difference between these two while home in Indiana last week. Today is the beginning of Advent and I want so much for this holiday season to be meaningful. I want to love my people well, not through the purchasing of the right stuff, but the gentle loving of the hearts in my home. Stuff—well, that will fade, but love—that never ends. So how do we love well and fight the ugly heart of comparison over the holiday season? Don’t get me wrong; I love gift giving, but I think there is so much more for us over Christmas than searching out and finding the perfect gifts...

Kara’s Collection: I’m No Hero

Kara’s Collection: I’m No Hero

from an article originally posted November 24, 2014…

I have this story, I have this one story to live and to share. It’s my great privilege to share the grace I know. It is my honor to share who Jesus is with anyone who will listen. But I’m no hero. I’m simply one fighting to live well in the midst of pain—and oh, my goodness, I can blow it so big.