Mundane Faithfulness

Westside Church

Kara’s Collection: Struggling Attitude

Kara’s Collection: Struggling Attitude

from an article originally posted August 24, 2014…

I am really struggling this round of bad news. Typically I struggle for a time, a moment, a day, then I get on board with the plan and move into peace, joy, extending myself beyond what I feel able for the joy of each day. I still feel the momentary feeling of I’m here, thank you, but I’m struggling with the unfolding plan.

Kara’s Collection: Smooching Pastor’s Kid

Kara’s Collection: Smooching Pastor’s Kid

from an article originally posted August 22, 2014…  

Oh, my soul, this place, this place has been so heavy, so hard, so riddled with bad news. I NEED to tell you something funny. Please humor me. As you can surmise, my kids are pastor’s kids. Let the stereotypes begin. I once lived in the rigid pew lifestyle where my kids were made to perform great acts of silence for the duration of the service. I felt it was a reflection on me, my parenting, my togetherness. Yuck. There were good moments, love moments, but I lived in the stereotype of my idea of how one should “behave” in church. Especially a pastor’s kid. Yuck.

Kara’s Collection: Edges

Kara’s Collection: Edges

from an article originally posted August 9, 2014…

Some days all the edges of this world feel too oppressive. The headlines of the day are heartbreaking. I can barely stomach the titles. I hurt, my heart hurts so desperately for pain in this world I cannot comprehend. I’m too weak to even look. Ann Voskamp calls us to pray. My prayers are broken and limp. The familiar, Help, oh, help dear Jesus.

Kara’s Collection: What is care?

Kara’s Collection: What is care?

What is care? The word finds its origin in the word Kara, which means to lament, to mourn, to participate in suffering, to share in pain. To care is to cry out with those who are ill, confused, lonely, isolated, and forgotten, and to recognize their pains in our own heart. To care is to enter into the world of those who are broken and powerless and to establish there a fellowship of the weak. To care is to be present to those who suffer, and to stay present, even when nothing can be done to change their situation. 

Kara’s Collection: Daily Graces

Kara’s Collection: Daily Graces

From an article originally posted February 2, 2014…

Each day meets us with unbelievable graces to take each new step. Westside is making changes and walking in new graces and growth. People are growing in depth and heart-sharing from life, real life. Moments of rejoicing and heartbreak met in a community of people desiring the nearness of God. Each new moment, a challenge in grace and honesty. Honesty with our own personal struggles as well as our struggles with faith.