Mundane Faithfulness


Kara’s Collection: Peaceful Presence—The Battle for Holiday Joy

Kara’s Collection: Peaceful Presence—The Battle for Holiday Joy

from an article originally posted November 30, 2014…

Presence over presents. I heard a beautiful mama speaking about the difference between these two while home in Indiana last week. Today is the beginning of Advent and I want so much for this holiday season to be meaningful. I want to love my people well, not through the purchasing of the right stuff, but the gentle loving of the hearts in my home. Stuff—well, that will fade, but love—that never ends. So how do we love well and fight the ugly heart of comparison over the holiday season? Don’t get me wrong; I love gift giving, but I think there is so much more for us over Christmas than searching out and finding the perfect gifts...

Kara’s Collection: Each Moment Matters

Kara’s Collection: Each Moment Matters

from an article originally posted September 24, 2014…

Today my oldest was on fall break, and we ran all over town trying to tighten up all the loose ends before chemo has me down for the count. We stopped by the office of my publisher David C Cook, and their foyer is breathtaking. She stood right in front of me our eyes meeting. Her height has been shocking to me lately. She’s about to be taller than me. She’s a beauty. Beautiful in the way love has made her beautiful.

Kara’s Collection: Tears and Celebration

Kara’s Collection: Tears and Celebration

from an article originally posted September 10, 2014…  

It felt like an impossible day to get through. But we made it. We cried hot tears. My girlfriends stood by and watched through tears, but they showed up. They were there. And a thousand more would have come if I had asked. Just to smile at me through my tears. And in the smiling, letting me know it’s going to be okay. Somehow, it will be okay.

Kara’s Collection: Struggling Attitude

Kara’s Collection: Struggling Attitude

from an article originally posted August 24, 2014…

I am really struggling this round of bad news. Typically I struggle for a time, a moment, a day, then I get on board with the plan and move into peace, joy, extending myself beyond what I feel able for the joy of each day. I still feel the momentary feeling of I’m here, thank you, but I’m struggling with the unfolding plan.

Kara’s Collection: Smooching Pastor’s Kid

Kara’s Collection: Smooching Pastor’s Kid

from an article originally posted August 22, 2014…  

Oh, my soul, this place, this place has been so heavy, so hard, so riddled with bad news. I NEED to tell you something funny. Please humor me. As you can surmise, my kids are pastor’s kids. Let the stereotypes begin. I once lived in the rigid pew lifestyle where my kids were made to perform great acts of silence for the duration of the service. I felt it was a reflection on me, my parenting, my togetherness. Yuck. There were good moments, love moments, but I lived in the stereotype of my idea of how one should “behave” in church. Especially a pastor’s kid. Yuck.