Mundane Faithfulness


Kara’s Collection: Love Intentional, Love Maturing, Love Exceptional

Kara’s Collection: Love Intentional, Love Maturing, Love Exceptional

from an article originally posted December 22, 2014…

Forgive me for being so absent recently. I have been in the hospital longer than I can remember. So many have given so much to protect, enjoy, and embrace my family. I have this one story about Eleanor, full of Grace, I want to share before I let myself sleep again and the story fades with all the medications I’m taking to get through each painful moment well. It is a story I will never forget, but I want it to be documented here to let her know how stunning the love in her life is to so many—especially this mama of hers.

Kara’s Collection: Peaceful Presence—The Battle for Holiday Joy

Kara’s Collection: Peaceful Presence—The Battle for Holiday Joy

from an article originally posted November 30, 2014…

Presence over presents. I heard a beautiful mama speaking about the difference between these two while home in Indiana last week. Today is the beginning of Advent and I want so much for this holiday season to be meaningful. I want to love my people well, not through the purchasing of the right stuff, but the gentle loving of the hearts in my home. Stuff—well, that will fade, but love—that never ends. So how do we love well and fight the ugly heart of comparison over the holiday season? Don’t get me wrong; I love gift giving, but I think there is so much more for us over Christmas than searching out and finding the perfect gifts...

Kara’s Collection: The Short List

Kara’s Collection: The Short List

rom an article originally posted November 10, 2014…

I have a short list of friends, these are the friends I feel I never for one second deserved. Friends that are so utterly given to grace and love I cannot feel anything but blessed by their love and friendship. If I’m honest my list isn’t actually all that short. It’s this long, endless list of people that choose grace, meet and extend love to others, and live from a place of tenderness. I am humbled to know so many. God must know my weak faith and constant need of reminding. God is gathering more and more of these people to my heart daily. These lovers of truth point me towards hope, remind me of goodness, and remember we all need to laugh. Yesterday I received two poems. One was written by my friend John, and another came from Emily Dickinson. Both,  well, you’ll see. Both reminded me of goodness.

Kara’s Collection: Coffee hope—a reminder

Kara’s Collection: Coffee hope—a reminder

from an article originally posted November 9, 2014…

Each day is a battle to see, a struggle to learn, a fight against the lies of hopelessness. Each day I wake, I remember my story, then I want to go back to sleep. But through each day, I see so much truth, hope, life, joy that I simply cannot check out of living and fighting for my moments. I enjoy the giggles of my littles, the pleadings for a sleepover, a new toy, a favorite dinner and I’m reminded of the giant little moments in each day. The kids each enter the room with their questions: Mama, did you see this Lego; Daddy what clothes should I wear for today’s weather? Lil bit just slides in next to my warmth until hunger carries her downstairs where Nanny Mickey will capture her with toast. Slowly, I will drink my coffee and read my Bible, and find the strength to get moving beyond my despair. Some days I begin the day faking it for the benefit of my children, and some days I move from my bed with genuine strength and hope for the day. Each day has some mercy to make the moving possible.

Kara’s Collection: Speak Truth, Put Away Falsehood

Kara’s Collection: Speak Truth, Put Away Falsehood

from an article originally posted November 6, 2014…

I have been reading through Ephesians. It’s stunning, overwhelming, full of great insight, and a lot of confronting—beautiful confronting of speech and living honestly... My mouth is often my weakness. My words can be sharp, my words can portray false strength, my words can simply hurt. Words, words, words are my struggle when I’m feeling badly. My words are a struggle when I’m feeling weak and sick. Ephesians shines such beautiful light on my struggle with speech. And this morning, this verse showed me my struggle to honestly share, in words, my struggle with cancer. I want to pretend my results are different. I want to fake at strength so everyone else can stop feeling anxious.