Kara’s Collection: Me — Mundane Faithfulness

Kara’s Collection: Me

From an article originally posted October 17, 2013…

Simple title. I’m awake late at night with a desire to tell my new readers about me. I want to tell about the me that has nothing to do with cancer. Dear reader, I want to tell you a few snippets of me apart from the battle I’m facing.

First, I have a great aversion to green peppers, all other peppers are safe, but I hate green peppers. On the topic of loathing, peas would be top of that list, unless in fried rice or sparsely in vegetable soup, sparsely. I’ve never liked chocolate cake, and I think I’ve had people not like me for this alone. I was almost booed off the stage speaking at the kids’ school when I said this out loud. I have a heavy salt hand. When my cardiologist said I was his only type of patient he requires eat lots of salt, I was elated.

I love the smell of a skunk. Love it! When we pass the faint smell of a skunk on the road Jason turns to me and says, Do you smell that little hug from Jesus? I wear patchouli, which would help make the skunk part make sense. Given the choice I would pick mountains over ocean, but I love how small looking at the vast ocean makes me feel.

I’m sure you have noticed, but I’m a kisser. I love to kiss my people. Don’t worry, my kissing love is only for my people. I love a smooch, but I’m the biggest fan of a hug and a long snuggle. I call my first born my sweet moosh mouth and ask if she would give me her beautiful lips. She is still a generous kisser to her mama, and more so when she knows I’m struggling. I love this about her. All my kids are generous with their affection. Little bit kisses and hugs and loves all day long. If we’ve been apart for a time, I know I have to sit down for Story love time to catch up on what we’ve missed in our hours apart.

I love to dance. I could be exhausted, in pain, past myself, and I will not get off the dance floor. It is one of my most favorite things to do. I love planning a dance party. Love it. I love watching my kids dance, and I love to dance with them. I love the face Jason makes when he joins me dancing. He’s a mix of happy and when-will-it-be-over. I love all kinds of music, and will look for any reason to have a dance party. It’s my favorite thing about weddings.

I remember things in vivid detail. Most of my memories are based on what we ate. I have distinct food memories and smells. In these two pictures, I remember exactly what I was laughing at. Both are stories I would not put here. With that, I like humor...Well, in all forms—as long as it’s not degrading or derogatory.

I think salad, all salad, tastes better when someone else makes it. I can build a lovely salad, but I honestly think a salad made by another tastes better. The smell of bacon reminds me of my grandma hero. Jason has grown me into a huge Mexican food fan. Huge.

I’m an English major who has always wanted to be a farmer. I feel deeply at home sitting in an Adirondack chair overlooking a large garden. I remember when my grandma taught me how to cut with a knife moving toward my thumb in her garden prepping for making tomato sauce. I felt reckless and adult. I wanted to eat my weight in her warm summer tomatoes.

I do not mind what my kids wear, if they steal from my clothes, if their socks are two opposing neon, if their hair is standing up. I micromanage teeth brushing and bedtime; beyond that I’m open. We require fruit for snacking, and kindness. We ask everyone to take a thank-you bite of everything. It’s the bite that says thank you for the effort you took in making me this. But we do not require our kids clean their plates. Dessert only comes on occasion and to those who ate well.

Though I love reading, I would rather sit in the bed chatting with my littles while I rub their feet with lotion. I love a great book, but my favorite is to hear the story of my kids’ day. Knowing this I try to read with my kids before dinner.

I love the color green, have always wanted to wear fancy boots like Pioneer Woman, and I think my personality would be best suited driving an old Chevy truck. An old one with the wood slats on the back.

I had a season where I shared a booth at an antique mall with my Shellie. I started an obsession with metal boxes. I sold one particular toolbox and I still miss it. She liked beautiful Frenchy things, and I loved dirty metal stuff that probably required an updated shot record to enjoy. We were a perfect team. Cancer and an adoption stopped us. One day we will be back in business.

I love having the strength to be out. Just out. Out in nature out enjoying a park, out meeting another mama. I love it.

Don’t get me started on fire. I love fire. Love, love, love it. I would never be satisfied with logs where the flames are always the same. I love wood burning, fire popping, warm, hot fire.

I’m not a jewelry girl, but what I do wear has great meaning to me. Wedding ring, first Mother’s Day bracelet, ten year anniversary necklace. Jason knows I love the simplicity of Tiffany’s. They always steer him right.

My guy has my heart. He knows how I like my coffee, he knows I like long hugs, he enjoys endless hours of talking with me. People think I’m the vocal one, but alone, he’s a big communicator. Jason knows how to make me laugh the hardest. It starts with his break dancing routine.

I like public speaking. It makes me incredibly nervous. But I weirdly like nervous. It’s like the nervous before a first kiss. Last time I spoke at the kids’ school I asked for a microphone. They gave me one with a chord. I had more fun with that microphone than I should have. I thought I was Bob Barker and walked and swung that chord and told way more jokes than I expected.

My sister has a dress I love. I made her let me wear it when I met one of my favorite authors. Two weeks ago I had just come to from surgery heard I had cancer, and got on the phone with my sister. Her most lovely friends had taken her shopping to distract her. I got on the phone, we cried a little, and I said, Did you get me Frye boots? Did you put the dress in the mail? I use my cancer card to tease my sweet seester. And she teases me right back.

I’m facing hard, but I like my life, I really do. I love to laugh, and eat, and love on my people. I see each moment as a treasured gift. Now you know me a little better, tell me something quirky I don’t know about you?


This is part of a series reposting Kara's blog articles beginning August 2, 2012. Learn how you can be a part of her online legacy.


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