
Kara’s Collection: Future love—the art of cherishing life

Kara’s Collection: Future love—the art of cherishing life

from an article originally posted October 23, 2014…

Since the birth of my first daughter, I have written my journals in light of them one day being read. They are simply a family history. The small, silly moments captured, the hard journey in life we have traveled. The honest assessment of each day. So I have journal after journal capturing the essence of our life. One day soon I will reread them to remember those exhausted, amazing days of life with my littles. It was important writing, because in the midst of sleep deprivation, it’s hard to remember. I look forward to revisiting those most precious years I captured in my journals. One day my children may want to read that journey. Maybe not, but it will be there for them. I was always careful to journal with freedom. Some weeks I would write and write, some months the entire month would pass before I would write. But I gave myself freedom.

Kara’s Collection: Good Moments on Hard Days

Kara’s Collection: Good Moments on Hard Days

I’m fighting to get out of bed this morning. Today, today my head is fitted for a mask to battle my brain cancer. We have to re-look under my skull to see if my cancer has grown in the 2 weeks I opted for chemo first. Every pain, every headache, the fear of larger brain tumors fills me with dread. But, the grace, the big and little grace in each moment keeps me looking for hope. A daughter of a dear friend wrote a paper for school about me. My friend shot a picture of it and sent it to me last night. That a young woman would see my story and see my fight for hope—well, that’s just goodness promptting me to get my behind out of bed this morning.

Kara’s Collection: Each Moment Matters

Kara’s Collection: Each Moment Matters

from an article originally posted September 24, 2014…

Today my oldest was on fall break, and we ran all over town trying to tighten up all the loose ends before chemo has me down for the count. We stopped by the office of my publisher David C Cook, and their foyer is breathtaking. She stood right in front of me our eyes meeting. Her height has been shocking to me lately. She’s about to be taller than me. She’s a beauty. Beautiful in the way love has made her beautiful.

Kara’s Collection: Sunday Rest

Kara’s Collection: Sunday Rest

from an article originally posted September 21, 2014…

My dear Thea and John bought us a hammock. She had mentioned the idea of this treat to me, and she told me what time in the hammock meant to her, but I had no idea what a treasure it would be to my heart. I can sit and watch my children wonder and play in the back yard.

Kara’s Collection: Struggling Attitude

Kara’s Collection: Struggling Attitude

from an article originally posted August 24, 2014…

I am really struggling this round of bad news. Typically I struggle for a time, a moment, a day, then I get on board with the plan and move into peace, joy, extending myself beyond what I feel able for the joy of each day. I still feel the momentary feeling of I’m here, thank you, but I’m struggling with the unfolding plan.