From an article originally posted May 12, 2013…
I have noticed a trend this year. I have seen a lot of Facebook posts, blogs, comments circling around what pastors should not say on Mother’s Day. I have felt an anxiety for my guy. There is a lot of hurt surrounding this day, and we all long for someone to be sensitive to us in our pain. I understand. Hurt for those who have lost their mamas, hurt for those who have a broken relationship with their mama, hurt for those who have not found the man in their life to make them a mama, and women with great longing to be a mama and struggle with infertility. Oh how deeply these hurts hurt. This year I hurt, because instead of being the mama I have wanted to be, my residence has been my bed.
But then I remember the gospel. The gospel is for these hurting wounds that cut so deeply. Jesus is the answer to our pain. Seeing these vacancies that take deep residence in our life, we more deeply understand that the only one that can enter this place is Jesus. As I have prayed for my guy to gently love our ladies this morning, I’m reminded what wonderful provision Jesus provided our family in Jason. I have planned a Mother’s Day gift for Jason today. He has done the heavy lifting of this family this year. He has signed papers, kissed the wounds, packed lunches, driven to school, shepherded littles to bed. He has done it all without complaint. And when I hear all the rules placed on pastors for today, I rest in knowing that my guy understands it’s our inadequacy and neediness that creates in us a longing for Jesus. He has the opportunity to point us all to that this morning. If your pastor falls short today, please remember they are objects in need of grace this morning too.
Lastly, I have so many precious mamas in my life. Mothering has a broad definition to me. The beauty of this year was being able to see the many mothers in my life step up and mother and shepherd my family. My own sweet mama and the many mamas in my life carried us through a dark season. The community and strength of many mothers is powerful. I pray today is a day where we all rest deeply in Jesus. In our hurt and neediness, I pray we cling to the only one that brings comfort and peace. Thank you precious mamas for entering this season with us. Thank you dearest Jason for carrying a heavy load this year.
Thank you, Jesus, for this man!
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ”The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, ”therefore I will hope in him.”
The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.”