Mundane Faithfulness

Kara's Collection

Kara's Collection: Encouragement From Mickey

Kara's Collection: Encouragement From Mickey

from an article originally posted March 19, 2015...

A few days ago, Mickey wrote this in a message to a few of us gals as we wrote back and forth, struggling with the impossible task of saying goodbye to our Kara. I thought it would encourage your hearts, too, as we all process this awful but hope-filled goodbye.

Kara's Collection: Kindness Matters

Kara's Collection: Kindness Matters

from an article originally posted March 11, 2015...

When I was pregnant with my daughter, Westside was brand new. My little family and I would get there super early on Sundays so my husband could get the music stuff set up and do the sound check before the congregants started arriving. Those were challenging mornings for me, and Kara started asking if I would like to come have coffee at her house after dropping Aaron and Von off at church. That was wonderful for my pregnant self! Lounging in her comfy living room, watching Story model her latest fashion ensemble, hearing Lake laugh as he played in the other room. I loved that time with Kara.

Kara's Collection: Dreaming of Heaven

Kara's Collection: Dreaming of Heaven

from an article originally posted March 6, 2015...

Kara and I have spent a lot of time dreaming about Heaven together, and we always have, even before Kara’s current diagnosis. It’s something I’ve thought a lot about, knowing so many people who have gone there, and now more than ever I think about it. As I’ve shared before, having to prepare a 2-year old for what will happen with Kara is forcing me to really evaluate what I believe and what Scripture says is true about Heaven.

Kara's Collection: Tears In My Life Cereal

Kara's Collection: Tears In My Life Cereal

from an article originally posted March 4, 2015...

We have recently had a new nurse in our hospice care. Our regular nurse needed a break, and she took some needed time off to refresh and restore her heart. I’m thankful for both of these nurses.

Our new nurse figured out the puzzle of my pain in my leg beautifully. We have changed medication and my pain is much less. I’m tickled. But what has surfaced is an extreme exhaustion and a haziness that wasn’t there before. 

Kara's Collection: A Room of Her Own

Kara's Collection: A Room of Her Own

from an article originally posted March 3, 2015...

I recently read an article about Gazan artist Nidaa Badwan who retreated to her bedroom after being assaulted by Hamas officers. For a couple of months, she barely lived, contemplating suicide and fearing leaving her family’s home because of the religiosity and conflict in the Gaza Strip. Eventually, she started enjoying her isolation and beautifying her 100 sq. ft. bedroom. It is now the subject of an art project and she has left her home only a handful of times over the last year. She says of her space, Everything is beautiful, but only in my room, not in Gaza. I’m ready to die in this room unless I find a better place.