Mundane Faithfulness

Husband Love

Kara’s Collection: Jealousy—the longing for normal

Kara’s Collection: Jealousy—the longing for normal

from an article originally posted December 3, 2014…

Oh, my heart. Oh, my sad and covetous and jealous heart. I have recently been in so many interviews, and I am often asked if I struggle feeling angry over the path we find ourselves walking. My answer is typically the same: I have fought to be broken instead of bitter and angry. It’s not a simple journey.

Kara’s Collection: Living Well Within Limitations

Kara’s Collection: Living Well Within Limitations

from an article originally posted September 5, 2014…  

Each day presents each of us living with a choice. It is often hard to choose well. We are so regularly caught in the flow of our going, we fail to see the choices presented to each of us in our living. Most of our choices consist of attitude choices, living choices, choices to live in a hardened, bitter state or a grateful, soft state. If we are honest the battle for these attitudes is fierce.

Kara’s Collection: The Joy of Cooking

Kara’s Collection: The Joy of Cooking

from an article originally posted September 2, 2014…  

We have run away to capture beauty, to sleep, to recover from our hard, and to sit beside one another. We are a family that functions only upon the use of an antenna. So we have a few fancy channels, but not really. PBS and another network is about all we have. We are happy that way. But on vacation, on blessed vacation, the offerings grow as do the number of televisions. Currently our abode has four, yes four, televisions. Holy cow.

Kara’s Collection: The Call Came

Kara’s Collection: The Call Came

from an article originally posted August 17, 2014…

The call came twice on Friday. The sweet nurse left me the message to kindly call her back. In front of her sits a sheet of paper that will determine my next moments, my next breaths and the strength for breathing I will be able to lend that living. But I simply was away. I was away from service, away from fear, and my phone read no service all weekend. Jason kindly asked me to call from the camp phone and leave that number, I kindly declined and asked him to not ask for the duration of my time away. He kindly obliged.

Kara’s Collection: Oh, the heights and the depths...

Kara’s Collection: Oh, the heights and the depths...

from an article originally posted July 21, 2014...

My heart has been stirred once again by a book I read before Jason asked me to be his. I read it so many years ago when I was filled with ideas of what love should be, imaginings of marriage, and wistful daydreams of love. I read the love story of Sheldon and Davy and grew deep expectations and hope for what my love story would one day become. Now, as I return to the story new nearly 20 years later, I see how I have known love like theirs in many ways, but in different ways. And as I read his words, I am often thinking of my own love for Jesus, my Jason, and my littles. The love story that Jesus has developed in me.