from an article originally posted May 13, 2014...
The end of the school year is wrapping up, and this time of year is a frantic stumbling to the finish line. Field day, projects, meetings, graduations, and trying to get ready to have everyone home. The marathon has been run, and honestly, we will barely be crossing the finish line. I feel like I said this last year. It feels like I have two functioning brain cells and they are exhausted.
The graduating class from Evangelical Christian Academy has asked if I would be their commencement speaker. I feel deeply humbled and honored to speak to these students. But frankly, every time I think about the talk I get an upset stomach. Nervous upset stomach—you know what I’m talking about? Oh my soul, I really love speaking, and I have been planning to speak at women’s retreats in the fall, but this is altogether new to me.
I asked the seniors if they had class verses, and they have a beautiful passage, full of grace. Colossians 3:1-3:
“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”
Aren’t those beautiful verses? Your life is hidden in Christ. I love that image. I have been thinking on these verses, pondering, praying over them, and delighting in the idea of being eternally minded, thinking on the things of above. It’s a lofty thinking—one I rarely ponder. Motherhood often has me moving from task to task. I believe a lot of my recent struggles can be attributed to my weak view of eternity. I’m so grateful to have this speaking engagement to stretch this weak and feeble muscle in my faith.
This feels like grace, these verses feel important. I’m so thankful to begin to ponder their truth. Read them—what do you think when you think of these verses? How is your life hidden in Christ? Or better: how is it not hidden in him? Tough questions to think upon.