From an article originally posted March 1, 2013…
I was planning on waking up and telling y’all how Jason pointed out that I had bed head this morning. I love it—I have enough hair to get bed head! But the events of our evening have overshadowed this happy, silly news.
Last night at 2am our garage door started going up and down, up and down several times. It really freaked me out. Jason ran down to shut it, he then worked to quiet my fears. He told me these weird things happen. I didn’t really believe him, and I worried over every sound in the night. I struggled for a long time to get back to sleep. I posted about what happened on Facebook so there would be some word of what had happened.
Jason just came in from dropping the kids off at school. He looked in our car and it looks like someone was in there and took our garage door opener. Jason has pulled the pin on the door so it cannot be opened, but I’m not too peaceful right now.
I also woke to news of someone else facing a journey with breast cancer. It’s so upsetting, but all of this drives me to prayer. With Westside beginning Sunday, it would be easy to lose sight of what is important and lose my peace over these events. Discouragement will meet us at every turn; it’s bound to, so where will I turn in my discouragement?
Recently, I went to a tea for the missionaries at Village Seven. Carolyn Culbertson spoke on suffering and the struggle to look for Jesus and follow Jesus in the midst of our pain. She has walked a very difficult road, and she spoke very vulnerably about her struggles. I was in my seat biting the inside of my mouth, gritting my teeth, doing everything I could do to keep from weeping. I mean a big ugly cry. I felt like she was speaking directly to my heart. She knew my story, though she had never met me. She ended with this beautiful quote. What struck me was seeing God in the midst of my own fog and inability to see Him. It was a great comfort to me.
“He has an especial tenderness of love towards thee for that thou art in the dark and has no light, and His heart is glad when thou dost arise and say, “I will go to my Father.” For He sees thee through all the gloom through which thou canst not see Him. Say to Him, “My God, I am very dull and low and hard; but Thou art wise and high and tender, and Thou art my God. I am Thy child. Forsake me not,” then fold the arms of thy faith, and wait in quietness until light goes up in the darkness. Fold the arms of thy Faith, I say, but not of thy Action: bethink thee of something that thou ought to do, and go and do it, if it be but the sweeping of a room, or the preparing of a meal, or a visit to a friend; heed not thy feelings: do thy work.”
Where is fear stealing your peace this day? What lies are you believing that keep you from seeing the truth this day? I have many to share with Jesus today, I’m so thankful He sees me and longs to hear from me.