#5: Chapters 4 & 5 with Shellie (MFP)

This week, Shellie joined Jill and me in the studio to discuss chapters 4 & 5 of Just Show UpFriends, the three of us could have sat and talked all day. Shellie truly knows hard—what it’s like to just show up for your dying friend, but also what it’s like to be on the receiving end, having others showing up for her and her family. As she shares in this episode, she went from a hurting, reluctant stranger to dear friend in a matter of weeks, finally having the community her heart longed for. Her story is extraordinary, and I hope and pray that this will be an encouragement to you today.

We will be discussing the following questions over at the MFC (Mundane Faithfulness Community) on Facebook; if you aren’t a member, feel free to join or simply post your answers as comments on this blog. Thank you for journeying this with us.

  1. If you were asked to walk something hard, who would be there for you? Who are your people?
  2. Recall the last time you received help. Was it hard to receive? Why or why not? Did you have to ask for that help? If you had to ask, how did that feel? Is that something you are used to doing or was that out of the ordinary for you?