Mundane Faithfulness

Blythe Hunt

Welcome to Mundane Faithfulness

Welcome to Mundane Faithfulness

Hello, and welcome to Mundane Faithfulness. We’ve had a surge of new followers lately, and I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and share a little about this sacred place. My name is Blythe, and I have been the steward of Mundane Faithfulness since Kara Tippetts went to be with Jesus in March of 2015.


Kara started this blog as a simple mommy blog, but after her breast cancer diagnosis in 2012, it became a place where she processed her journey and worked out her faith. It became a place where folks came to find a kindred spirit and a soul who fought to find God’s grace in every mundane wrinkle of life. It became a place where Kara shared the joys of walking with Jesus—even walking cancer with Jesus. And it eventually became a place where Kara processed her dying with her readers—her “friends she hadn’t met yet.” She came here to share updates but to also share her life and her faith. Mundane Faithfulness wasn’t a typical mommy blog, and Kara was certainly not a typical mommy.

The Long Goodbye: The Kara Tippetts Story

The Long Goodbye: The Kara Tippetts Story

For suggested donations starting at $50, The Kara Tippetts Foundation is thanking donors with exclusive gifts, including a pre-release of the film, The Long Goodbye: The Kara Tippetts Story. The Kara Tippetts Foundation helps families facing terminal cancer through grants, scholarships, and memory making, with the intention of fulfilling Christ's command to care for the sick. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Mark 12:31

Mundane Faithfulness is not associated with The Kara Tippetts Foundation. The views and opinions expressed in The Long Goodbye: The Kara Tippetts Story do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Mundane Faithfulness.


Book recommendations, 2018

Book recommendations, 2018

My children are in kindergarten and first grade this year. Earlier today, I was helping my kindergartener with some worksheets, and we tore one out to fold into a book. She confidently read each page aloud to me, proudly reading about digging, planting, pulling in the garden. I sat in awe, amazed that reading has come so easily to her and that she has already learned to find joy in it. Last year, when my son started reading, I wept. Yes, you read that correctly—I wept! It was my favorite milestone thus far; it touched me deeper than his first tooth, first steps, first word.

The restorative nature of gospel community

The restorative nature of gospel community

Paul David Tripp recently tweeted, Corporate worship is designed to cause you to run from the kingdom of self and run to the kingdom of God, to dethrone yourself and to give your life to celebrating and serving the King of Kings everywhere you are and in whatever you do. I couldn’t love this any more—it’s a poignant reminder of why Christian community is vital to the health of our souls.

The end of a sweet era...

The end of a sweet era...

Dearest friends, we have reached a major milestone here at Mundane Faithfulness: we have finished reposting all of Kara’s blog posts! As you know, at the end of Kara’s life, her original website broke beyond repair, so one of her wishes for Mundane Faithfulness was that we repost her content. It’s taken three and half years, many tears, and the love and encouragement of this beautiful community, but we have accomplished Kara’s goal, and I am so proud of us!! Thank you for being faithful readers, for praying for the MF team, for loving Kara and her family, and for being supportive friends.