Mundane Faithfulness Podcast #3: Chatting with Heather, Part 2 — Mundane Faithfulness

Mundane Faithfulness Podcast #3: Chatting with Heather, Part 2

This week’s Mundane Faithfulness Podcast is Part 2 of Heather joining Jill and me to talk about the Introduction and Chapter One of Just Show Up. Sitting in the studio listening to these women is so healing to my heart. They aren’t saying anything that we gals haven’t talked about before in personal conversation, but there is something so powerful about having that intentional, intense time to process our grief together and share our hearts.

#3 - Chatting with Heather, Part 2
Blythe Hunt

We have the second best to this in our MFC (Mundane Faithfulness Community). I am learning what it means to develop friendships from a distance and what it looks like to just show up for my new friends by praying and emailing and pursuing them online. It’s new to me and I feel a bit clumsy, but it’s a gift. I wish we all had friends like Heather and Jill to sit down with over coffee; yet as Heather talks about in the podcast, our calling in relationships and just showing up for others may look different than what we expected. Lovely, lovely truth. Listen and be blessed.



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