from an article originally posted February 5, 2015...
In the daily battle with cancer, one can imagine the countless direction discouragement can come from in one simple day. I am blessed with people who remind me of grace, goodness, what is to come. My reminderers: I have many. Carl comes nearly every day and points me to Jesus. He is reading through Psalm 119 with me. Some days the encouragement is easily found while other days leave us looking for the deeper story of redemption in anguish.
Here is what we read today:
“I know, O LORD, that your rules are righteous, and in faithfulness you have afflicted me. Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant. Let your mercy come to me, that I may live; for your law is my delight.”
Oh friends, read it over and over. Let this truth sink deeply. God is not absent from your affliction. Pray for His sweet mercy to dwell deeply in the broken edges of your life. Then wonder, wonder over such goodness and mercy that long to meet you in your coming in and going out. Delight in following Jesus as He certainly delights in having you as His own. The price for you was costly--His son...And he looks upon you and would sacrifice Himself all over again.
So do not begrudge the affliction that may come. Press deeply into Jesus. Allow those broken edges to show you how desperate you are for Jesus.
Today for some reason Shellie, Mickey, and I were talking about food. I turned to each of them and asked how they wondered the table is set in Heaven. The banquet, the feast. We all simply shared our differing perspectives. It was amazing. I love wondering over heaven with my loves. It causes the affliction to fade for but a moment. But there is a day soon approaching us all that our affliction will be gone. I will one day be standing with the dancing King and praising Jesus together.