As you may recall, Kara’s brother, Dennis, started a foundation in her memory to reach out to people in their last days of terminal cancer. The description reads, We hope to help people on a similar journey to be able to live every remaining moment to the fullest, just as Kara was able to. Kara had wonderful support from her community. She was gifted with so many opportunities to go on vacation with her family and to visit friends and loved ones, as well as with help to pay her medical bills so she didn't leave any debt to her family. As a foundation we want to help beneficiaries with their financial needs, including helping them to be able to create beautiful memories. We desire to come alongside families on this journey through end-stage cancer in order to fulfill the command of Jesus to care for the sick.
Isn’t that a beautiful mission? I love that the heart behind this is to enable people to spend time with their families and friends, building community with every precious breath. And I personally love that Dennis has a passion for loving others, just like his baby sister. He loves big, and he is giving us the opportunity to love big, too.
YouCaring has written an article featuring the Kara Tippetts Foundation and an interview with Dennis. Check it out and consider being the grace that just shows up in someone else’s hard. #gracemonger