If you follow the comments on this site or even the comments on our Facebook page, you have surely noticed that we have an amazing group of friends who are united simply by our love for Kara, her family, and her beautiful way of expressing the Gospel. I have loved watching you reach out to one other, offering encouragement and prayers, and we have talked about our desire to find a way to better connect. Obviously, connecting in person would be our first choice, but considering we hail from all over the world, that probably isn’t much of a possibility. ☺
Here at Mundane Faithfulness, we are considering ways to provide a safe place for telling our stories, having meaningful discussion, and sharing prayer requests; basically, we are exploring ways to make our MF community much more interactive.
Will you please join us in prayer as we move in this exciting direction? We think our first official task as a community should be praying together—that God will be glorified, that we will have wisdom as we pursue this, and that we will figure out a way to provide effective online community for this special group.
Thank you for your love and loyalty. Keep your eyes open for further news!
Blythe and the MF Team