Kara’s Collection: Daily Graces

From an article originally posted February 2, 2014…

Each day meets us with unbelievable graces to take each new step. Westside is making changes and walking in new graces and growth. People are growing in depth and heart-sharing from life, real life. Moments of rejoicing and heartbreak met in a community of people desiring the nearness of God. Each new moment, a challenge in grace and honesty. Honesty with our own personal struggles as well as our struggles with faith.

Writing a book feels like a practice in wrestling. Wrestling with my own story and the story that has been written.

The story of grace written in the pain of the daily-ness of life. I want to glorify God and I want to enjoy Him through the process. Sharing honestly the life that finds itself disappointed, hurting, and longing for something bigger. The answer to those hurts: Jesus is enough. He meets me in those broken places, and that is the story I’m attempting to write. Today my editor sent the first edits from my first chapter. My editor has a gift. He is a poet who writes from his own story, and has a great ability to hear the voice of another. I’m beyond thankful for his encouragement and kindness in encouraging my story to paper. Read his words and be blessed. Last week my friend Jill ran away with me to Denver. She and I both shared our struggles with writing and encouraged one another in our process. One evening we were tied in knots, and the next morning the words came. As did the snow. I’m so thankful for this beautiful community of writers that understands the journey of placing ones heart and story on paper.

This morning I leave you again with The Sing Team. They sing truth with joy. Their bright words are full of hope. I love them mucho. I hope you enjoy them as well.

I pray you are met today with love and truth and a community that knows your heart. A community that meets you with the truth of the gospel and gives you the freedom to be weak, honest, needy. I pray the strength of Jesus meets you in your broken places and walks you toward peace.

I am home today with a puny girl, but I’m met. I’m met in this place next to my little love. I’m hearing, reading, and knowing love in the comfort of my bed next to the little one needing her mama. It’s my great good privilege to meet her in this place and give her comfort.