Kara’s Collection: 2014

From an article originally posted January 2, 2014…

I have never been a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. Simply put, I can’t follow rules. Especially rules I create for myself. But I certainly do reflect on the last year and think about the ways I want to grow more intentional in my life in 2014.

2012 and 2013 taught me so much through hard. The education of my last 2 years shape so much of my today. Walking away from the hard would be easier, but I long to share my story and encourage the hearts of others through the telling of being met at the bottom.

Certainly, writing a book is a part of that, but where I really miss sharing my heart is around my dinner table. Jason and I value time with our community around a meal; this is where we have seen God really do amazing things. That is an area we have not had a lot of energy for in the last years. My heart has missed meeting the hearts of our community in this place. If you feel you are lacking community, it’s an easy place to start in 2014. I used to cook to be impressive. It was pure silly. Martha Stewart doesn’t live here. Now, I cook to be healthy, simple, and for easy clean up. The time spent connecting to the hearts around my table is more valuable than being impressive with the food I serve.

We had a new couple start coming to our church. They had Jason and me to breakfast at their house and they asked us how they could encourage the ministry of Westside Church. We asked them if they would be willing to host people to their home for meals and to help connect with visitors. They took the challenge seriously, inviting families to their home. Now, they have built this beautiful community. Sharing a meal encourages community, builds friendship, and creates a safe environment to share burdens and struggles honestly.

2014, I long to see more live concerts, snowboard more, read more, more intentional time spent with Jesus, snuggle more, build more fires, begin to develop a love for art in the kids, sit and coffee with Jason more, develop this place Mundane Faithfulness, more camping, more getting dirty outside, finding ways to get my hands in the dirt this year, find opportunities to speak and share my story, continue seeking the best treatment for my cancer, and complete my first book. Double Gulp! I want to meet the hearts of many around my dinner table, especially the hearts of my own family. I want to shepherd the hearts of my children well, to live near to their hearts, not just getting through our days. I want to know them, disciple them, love them BIG in the coming year. It is my greatest gift and privilege to love these faces in my home. I pray I would please the Lord in this area of my life next year.

Someone asked me to share my reading routine and my devotional time spent reading the Bible. I’m look forward to writing that post. These are hopes, not resolutions. And certainly, I hope 2014 sees my cancer in remission. It is so hard to write anything about that. My heart longs to see clear scans in the coming year, decade, shoot, in my entire life. I’m beginning to grow in hope in that place.

Today, I’m on a learning curve. I’m working to understand my new camera. Apparently I have taken some fantastic pictures over the past two weeks, but the files are huge and are too large for this setting. Time to learn a few new tricks.

Jason and I have a place of growth in our relationship we hope for in 2014. I’m excited to share that with you here. It’s my favorite, and I think it could be an encouragement to your marriage too. And please, continue to ask any questions you might have for this place. I’m compiling some fun posts from the questions I have been asked.

What areas of your life to you long to live with more intention in the New Year? What areas do you hope to see growth in your life?