Kara’s Collection: Radioactive Injectables

This is from a blog post originally posted August 10, 2012.

It is almost comical to hear someone tell you they are going to inject you with radioactive material, and then try and be reassuring that it’s not that unhealthy. Here she comes with the injection, and guess what it is required to be carried in? Lead. Hmm, not how I prefer my injectables, but that’s just me.

These tests are a lot of waiting, no eating, no people to talk to—kind of my personal hell. My sister just sent me a picture of muffins she made. The fact she baked is a miraculous event, but she is on my naughty list. I’m so hungry and her muffins look awesome!

On the list of crazy I never expected to experience is a new puppy. The kids have been asking for a year. We are so excited for this new chapter. I think the puppy could be good to get me up and moving when I feel bad. I think she will be great medicine for the kids. Her name is Pippi Gunshot and we can’t wait for her to join our motley crew. We get to pick her up August 25.