Mundane Faithfulness

Community Series

Community Series Q&A: The Cool Kids

Community Series Q&A: The Cool Kids

Question: What do you do when your church has a popular crowd and the rest of us feel excluded?
Answered by Blythe Hunt

I wish I knew who submitted this question so I could personally thank them and give them a big, fat hug. I love this question, I love the heart behind it, and I love the insight! It brings to mind a brief period of time in my adolescence that I was invited to be a part of the “in” crowd at school; I hung out with them, not really fitting in, but curious about how to fit in. At the end of the day, I decided it wasn’t for me—the cool kids were neato, but I missed my friends, with whom I felt comfortable, more myself. It was a good experience for me to learn that not all of us will be part of the popular crowd, and that is okay. As I grew in my faith, I realized that God created me with a heart for the other uncool kids, and that is where I personally thrive and love to build relationships.

Community Series Q&A: Going deeper with friends

Community Series Q&A: Going deeper with friends

Question: I’m wondering how to take friendship to a deeper level—from casual friendship to deep friendship.
Answered by Allie de Graaf

I like things to be deep—colors, flavors, songs, thoughts, emotions, friendships, you name it—I  want it deep. I think sometimes the depth of me has scared away some potential friends, but it has also allowed for some incredibly special relationships.

Community Series Q&A: Deeper Friendships

Community Series Q&A: Deeper Friendships

Question: I’ve been wondering how to build deeper friendships—how to go from casual friend to more intimate.
Answered by Caitlin Lieder

What a great question! In my experience, a lot of people do not know how or do not want to go deeper and have intimate friendships. It’s exciting to me to see that you desire this because there is a treasure cove of love and safety and understanding God more when you have a deep friendship.

Community Series Q&A: Family Pursuit

Community Series Q&A: Family Pursuit

Answered by Caitlin Lieder

What does it look like to pursue and grow a community when you have small children?

As a mother of young kids, I understand some of the complications of trying to build a community amidst another spill, constant interruption, and the inability to put a sentence together. During the last almost 9 years of motherhood, God has gifted me with friends who have come alongside me and showed me intention and a deep love. To those reading this who are in that camp, thank you. I hope the following will be a help to you who are in this season of life or to you who want to minister to people like us!

Community Series Q&A: Unsolicited Advice

Community Series Q&A: Unsolicited Advice

What does it look like to be there for others without offering unsolicited advice?
Answered by Allie de Graaf

This topic is very close to my heart, since my own story has involved crushing circumstances. More than once, I have received grace from people at times but have also been hurt when I have shared. I remember being told during an acutely agonizing season that You have the Lord! In other words, knowing Christ means that I have no reason or excuse to struggle or bleed or break: everything in my life should be tidy and in order, regardless of the pain my soul might know.