Mundane Faithfulness

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Faithful in the Big

I feel as if the last decade of my life has been filled with constant change. We have moved numerous times (including internationally three times), had babies, graduated, changed jobs, gone back to school, on and on the list goes. Every year has a new change. The challenges aren’t as much in the change themselves, although that’s not easy, but the challenge lies in staying faithful and steady. How do I stay faithful in this season of constant change? The temptation to slack off seems bigger when there is so much going on.

We bought our first house and moved a few months ago. I cannot yet pinpoint why this move seems more difficult than the other moves, but it feels like it. Maybe it’s not and I’m not remembering correctly. But I’ve struggled getting back into the normal routine of how our family runs and pouring into my kids like I’d like.

For a time, that’s ok and that’s normal. We cannot do it all and keep on top of everything when we are transitioning or something has changed in our lives. But, I have to remind myself it’s no excuse to have a short fuse or think I have some sort of right to do or not do certain things. In the midst of the craziness and learning a new normal, there is one thing we all can and must do. It happens to be one of the biggest things God has called us to do.

We can trust Him.

Surrounded by boxes and unable to find things, I can trust God. He is in this move. In the midst of ugly tiles and mismatched colors adorning our house, I can trust that God gave us this house and it is His tool. In big or small changes, He has called us to trust Him because He is sovereign and loving. He has proved far and beyond that He is always with us and He is behind the workings of all in our lives.

I am not able physically and sometimes emotionally to do all that I want to do for my family at the moment. But I can stop, bow my head, and say, “God, you are in this. You are an ever-present help. You are the God I can trust. Sovereign and kind. King and faithful.”

God has called us to be faithful in the mundane, the challenge in the name of this blog, and as we learn to be faithful with little things we will learn to be faithful in the big things. When you do the laundry for the umpteenth time or faithfully care for your suffering spouse, you are sharing the love of Christ and mirroring God’s faithfulness to His people. You are bringing a bit of His kingdom onto the earth and redeeming the dominion God has given you.

Are you facing areas in your life that seem to be overwhelming you, threatening to drown you?

God is with you, dear reader. He has called you to what is in front of you and we know that simply because it’s in front of you. His will for your life is faithfulness. So, keep on doing what you are doing, whether it’s small or big. And then I want you to take a step back, breathe, and trust the Lord in all of it.