One beautiful spring day, Kara and I took our littles to the zoo. I remember reveling in the sunshine that day and loving being with Kara where I had so many memories with Story. As we walked and talked, Kara told me that she was getting quite a few requests for speaking engagements. She asked if I would manage them for her. I was thrilled; God had made a way for me to stay connected! A reason to talk and text beyond How are you feeling today.
Kindred Spirits: Corrie McClure, Part I
For months I held my breath every morning when I looked at my phone, anticipating an update about Kara. Each glance held its own grace. If there weren’t an update, all was well, or at least the same. If there were an update, I inhaled each word as it took me inside the sacred walls of the Tippetts’ home.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn Stanley, Part II
I remember our first phone call after her cancer diagnosis. We had been texting about it since she found the lump in the shower that day. But the first call after multiple appointments…I remember it clearly. She talked about the treatment plan, Mary’s wedding, dying her hair. She talked and I wanted to cry, but if she weren’t crying, I shouldn’t be either. I sat on the phone in awe of her peace and strength. It was grace; she was full of peace, and I loved that about her.
Kindred Spirits: Autumn Stanley, Part I
My name is Autumn, but Kara often called me her Diana. We met in North Carolina, October of 2004. I had a 19-month old and she had Ella, 3, and Harper, who was only a month old. I am quiet, especially in a large crowd, and Kara was not quiet and crowds brought out the best in her; yet we hit it off quickly. Neither of us could remember the exact moment when we became close, but it was shortly after meeting and my family buying a house across a main road from the Tippetts the following July. We may not remember the exact moment of intimate friendship, but through the years we often remarked how thankful we were that God gave us each other.
Kindred Spirits: Justine
Not much about my relationship with Kara is unique from my other friendships (although she is the reason I now drink coffee J). I have many friends who encourage my heart, make me laugh till my cheeks hurt, and walk hards with grace. Their kids, just like Kara’s, are constantly in and out of our house, and I love it. But with Kara... I had never started a friendship with someone who was dying. And cancer... Cancer makes all normal and mundane things about love unique.